Wednesday, May 7, 2014

God's Timing

Trust that you are in just the place God has for you today.  We may not understand or desire the place we are in right now but God has a vision so much bigger than we can ever begin to understand.  He knows exactly what is going to happen in your life today.  As we walk our path, the one He has designed perfectly to fit our every need - we only need to focus on taking one step at a time.  Sometimes we are running up those steps and other times lingering slowly, perhaps to enjoy the view or to struggle through a situation that lies in front of us.

I have been reminded this week over and over that His ways are not my ways. In both my own personal life and circumstances of those around me - I see HIS hand at work, HIS timing being shown perfect.  Funny, how in the very center of life swirling around us it can be hard to see and focus and understand.  But in waiting patiently and not trying to "get it" or understand it all so many times you can look back and it becomes so clear how HIS hand was at work.

I'm sharing a bit of what I've been practicing this week.  Stop and pray for clarity - not that we have any right to ask God, He is the Creator of the Universe for heavens sake!!  But....I've found that in spending time being quiet and still and asking for wisdom and clarity - it becomes clear how HIS plan has been in place and working long, long before I could have ever imagined.  What a blessing to know that He can work in our circumstances literally years before we encounter something to put all the pieces in just the right place.  What total freedom to put our troubled hearts and mind at rest knowing He has ALL things in His hands and no amount of "working it" it going to be effective.  Personally, I've found that usually that is when I mess things up!!!  Look for His hand because we were created for HIS works, unique in our own path and loved so very much by our Father that He reveals one step at a time and asks only that we follow in obedience, faithfulness and love trusting that HE will guide us on a straight path and give us the very desires of our hearts.  Even if we don't fully know what those desires are.....HE has SO much more for us than we can comprehend.

Walk in peace, my friends!!

Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
    and do not lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge him,
    and he will make straight your paths.  

Proverbs 3:5-6

For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.

Ephesians 2:10