Tuesday, November 4, 2014

A new day dawning.....

The sun comes up, its a new day dawning.....its time to sing your song again
Whatever may pass or whatever lies before me
Let me be singing when the evening comes

Bless the Lord O my soul
Worship His Holy name
Sing like never before
O my soul
I worship your Holy Name

Last week, I had the opportunity to be in my car car driving early enough in the morning to see an absolutely breathtaking sunrise.  I've been thinking about it for days!!  The variations in the oranges and pinks were blended so beautifully with the hints of white in the clouds and blues in the dawning sky.  All I could think of were the words to this song; It's a NEW day dawning.  A new day to begin again; to ask for forgiveness, to learn to love, to choose joy, to surrender.  To be more relaxed, to catch up, to be organized or to take time off.  Everything can begin again new and fresh.  Every day....

 This is a day that has never been before which means we have the choice to make it completely different than yesterday, last week or last year.  We have a beautiful new opportunity to change anything by changing our attitude but most importantly, to sing our song to the Lord no matter what our present circumstances.  Philippians 4:8 says Finally brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable - if there is any moral excellence and if there is any praise - dwell on these things.  We have such an opportunity to focus on the good in each and every circumstance that we find ourselves.  And each new dawn is a beautiful reminder that we can begin again!!  What is our song?  Thankfulness? Joy?  Bitterness or resentment? Hope?  My prayer today is that my song (and your song) would be one of thankfulness, humbleness and hope that God in all things will work for HIS good.  Not my good but HIS!!!

Our lives are a song with many notes and harmonies.  Think about it....sometimes your life is a quiet surrender like a peaceful stream and other times it is exciting and bursting with life life the waves slamming into the rocks by the sea and lets face it - many times we are just somewhere in between.  Sometimes those waves are the doubt, hurt and bitterness that you struggle with.  Can you hear the song?  Are you in tune or perhaps a bit sharp or flat?  I see the sharpness in our lives when we are hard, selfish and bitter; perhaps when we are unkind with those we come in contact with (family, friends or strangers).  Or are you feeling flat today?  A little deflated or detached from the world around you?  Not really motivated to "do" the life God has called you to - thinking you can just wait until tomorrow??  Or perhaps it's uncertainty of where God wants you to go.

Oh dear friends - may our lives be a song of beautiful melodies blended together seamlessly through the good times and the rough ones.  May we look at each and every day as a new opportunity to begin again with a clean slate full of the promise of that amazing sunrise.  Sing your song today wherever you are and whatever may come - let us be singing praise and thanksgiving when the evening comes.