Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Well, it's been over 30 days since I last posted so I thought it would be appropriate to title this blog "Procrastination" since I mentioned it over a month ago!!!!!  I'm not sure it will really end up being about procrastination but I think it's a good place to start.  Here is the definition of procrastination:  "to defer action, delay or to put off till another day or time".  Interesting synonyms are "postpone, prolong, suspend, dawdle".  Two words jumped out at me here....prolong and dawdle.  I'd like to think that I use my time wisely but I think tend to dawdle sometimes.  What a crazy word, really!!  We think about that for kids but we grown ups are guilty, too. 

Now here's the thing - there are lots of little things, you know....stuff that needs to be done.  I get that - I wish I could make that go away so I can focus on the important things....but the "stuff" remains.  How I deal with the "stuff" is another thing all together.  How much do I think about something, set it down, pick it up again, move the pile, put it on the list etc etc etc.   Or how often do I do something else that is not useful instead (can anyone say Facebook or television)?  When instead, I could just take care of it right away.  Here is a very small example but struck me as funny.  Last weekend I was getting something out of the fridge.  I noticed that something spilled on one of the shelves and honest to goodness, the thought in my mind was "I'll have to take care of that"....like at some point in the future.  That means it stays on my mind or appears again next time I open the fridge.  Still waiting for me to do something about it.  Why in the world was the thought not "I'm going to get something to clean that up?"  Because if I do it right away - it would take literally 2 minutes or less and then it's not there the next time I open the door.  I have loads of other examples but I think I've embarrassed myself enough.  Please tell me someone else does the same thing!!  Does this mean prolong to you?  It does me...why do I prolong what I know will need to be done?

What about at work?  You need to make that phone call but you stare at the phone...thinking, pondering deciding just what you'll say.  Then the phone rings so you handle that "stuff" but the other call still needs to be made.  Here you are again, thinking....getting ready.  Then someone comes up to your desk and chats...not about anything important but I DO enjoy talking so....see how easy it is?  Before you know it - the day is gone and have accomplished even half of what was on the list.  Which means the list is longer tomorrow and your run and run and run and never catch the end of that list.  I'm not saying that we shouldn't engage in relationships...that is so important but I know I need to watch how much time I spend having meaningful conversation that is honoring to God vs chatter.  Proverbs 21:23 (NIV)  "Those who guard their mouths and their tongues keep themselves from calamity"

Here is where I'm going to get personal.  How many times have you neglected to reach out to someone at the moment the spirit laid it on your heart and mind?  Or how much time do you spend in God's word vs the world? Up till now, this blog has been frustrating but kind of funny but how does that time wasted effect our ability to reach out, minister and encourage others or grow closer to the Lord?  How often does our putting off to another time mean we completely forget?  I'm writing this for myself because I KNOW there have been countless times that the moment passes and something else catches my attention and then.....it's gone.  The opportunity to make a difference in someones life, to grow closer to Him and the opportunity to see God's hand at work through us!!!  Gone....those moments will never happen again.   Psalm 143:10 (NIV) Teach me to do your will for you are my God; may your good Spirit lead me on level ground"

I'm hoping it won't be another 30 days for my next post - thanks to anyone who reads.  I hope and pray in some small way - the embarrassments of my "simple life" will resonate with someone else.  Lord, may your Spirit lead me on level ground!


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