Monday, August 13, 2012


"Time is a gift; it is not a possession.  It is to be used wisely."  Cynthia Heald

I just finished an amazing bible study and the above quote was from the author.  Her message was to abide in the Lord daily.  What a message that I needed to hear.  I'm going to be transparent here and share that I have almost always lived in a state of working toward what is next, waiting for "this" or "that" to happen and assuming that peace would find me there.  I share this in hopes that there is someone reading this who may have that same issue.  The hard truth is that I needed to look for peace, rest and joy right where I was.....or right where I am!!  Can anyone relate?

I need to be reminded daily that our life here is but a whisper of what is to come.....we live like we can just reach out to someone tomorrow or wait to start a project after we reach a goal.  We'll make that call tomorrow or follow the dreams God put in our hearts when our bank account is full, when the kids graduate, after school starts, when school ends, after summer vacation etc etc etc.  Can you tell I'm writing this on the eve of the first day back to school.  This is my last "first day" - my youngest starts his senior year tomorrow.  Perhaps that is why this is so heavy on my heart.  Time goes so quickly and in an instant that little baby you are holding goes off to college.....ok, maybe I'm getting a little ahead of myself and sound a little dramatic (but if you are a parent - you KNOW it's true!!!).  OK, I'll get back on track.....

We were created by God with a purpose - each one of us with a unique gift that HE created in you and for you!!!  But we get so caught up in "living" that we stop thinking about it.  I'm going to challenge you to stop right now and think about that.  Do you know what gift God has given you, do you know what unique dream or purpose God designed just for you?  If you cannot stop and write that down RIGHT NOW.....don't read any more.  Get on your knees and  spend some time asking God to reveal that to you - trust me, He will!!  But you have to ask, you have to be honest with Him, if you are struggling with something - tell Him and you have to be willing to accept ANY answer and be obedient to that word!  Please don't push the thought aside or think it's unimportant.....

In I Timothy 4:14-15 it says "Do not neglect the gift you have, which was given to you by prophecy when the council of elders laid their hands on you.  Practice these things, immerse yourself in them, so that all my see your progress."  (emphasis added was mine)  In my study bible it defines "the gift" as "the grace given to Timothy and ALL believers at salvation which consisted of a God-designed, Spirit-empowered spiritual ability for the use of ministry"

Notice that it says "spirit-empowered".  We don't have to do this in our own strength, we cannot do it in our own strength.  We don't have to have the plan all laid out ahead of time.....sometimes we just have to take a leap of faith or sow that tiny mustard seed today so God can begin his plan.  I heard someone say once that before you can be great, you have to be good and before you can be good you have to be bad, but before you can be bad, you have to DO SOMETHING!!!  The beginnings of the dream may seem small and insignificant but until you sow that seed - you will never know what it will become!!

God hit me over the head with a 2 x 4 this morning (it was much needed and deserved) and I'm thankful.  I've spent so long looking at tomorrow and missing out on the joys of today, waiting for tomorrow to be just the right day to get started.  I choose to start today - even if the house is a mess, the laundry isn't done and tomorrow is the first day of school!!  He desires me to be present in this very moment without worrying about tomorrow.  To follow the dreams HE gave me with everything I have, working hard but finding joy in the fleeting moments of today....they will never come again and I want to savor every moment!!  How about you??

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