Friday, January 17, 2014


Consistency is my word for 2014.  I don't do "resolutions" and have never had a word for the year so this should be interesting.  Especially when I look back over the infrequency of my posts since I've started this blog.  That is one glaring example of great intentions without consistent activity.  Great desires, thoughts and dreams but no action.  For all the "I want to do this", there has been very little of anything to show for it.  Why is this important?

Life has enough mountains and valleys all on it's own.  We only add to the height or depth of them by being inconsistent.  I can think of so many examples - let's start with one that everyone is thinking about right now.  Weight loss.  We decide we are going to start a "diet" or even a healthy eating lifestyle change and we do great for the first 3 or 4 days.  We might be eating better, cutting out the sweets and even adding in a little exercise.  We get on the scale and don't see any change (or very little change) and then get frustrated and eat a pizza or stop going to the gym.  Ask any gym owner and they will tell you that the first week or two are super busy but get to the end of the month and it's a ghost town again.  We want immediate results and it takes being consistent for long periods of time to yield real results.  Those pounds didn't jump on overnight and they aren't going to be chased away that quickly either.  This doesn't mean working out 3 hours a day or eating lettuce all day.  It means making smaller, more manageable changes that we can be consistent in and keep up for the long term.

What about work or a hobby that you want to start.  Maybe you want to learn how to sew, write a blog or improve your productivity at work.  Each one of these things require you to be consistent in learning each step of the way, building block by block and not expecting immediate results.  Just because you want to sew doesn't mean you sit down and sew a dress - you have to learn and that takes consistent time.  If you spend three hours on a Saturday on anything and then don't think about it again until a month later what do you do?  You start over!!  But if you worked 15 minutes a day, three days a week you would be building on your foundation.  Consistently learning and progressing much faster than doing ALOT and then nothing.  The stopping and starting are SO hard.  I'm in a sales type job that requires doing something every day that I see no immediate results for.  It's hard to keep doing the activities when you don't see the immediate results but there is no other way.

I think our spiritual lives are so similar.  We don't see the fruit from the seeds planted right away, but we still have to care for and consistently water those plants.  If we want to grow in the Lord, it must happen every day - not just on Sunday's and Wednesday's when we are in the church building and a quick 3 minute devotion every day so we can check it off our list.  And I'm not talking about joining another bible study or small group either.  I desperately need consistent time in the Word for God to grow love in me.  Love for Him, His Word and His world - without this love, I am nothing and I can do nothing.  How can I grow that love if I don't consistently spend time nurturing my understanding of Him and His lavish love for me?  Living water to pour over me and fill me to be used for His purpose.....quiet moments for Him to speak to me and for me to fully surrender everything to Him.  Let's talk about prayer time.  So many times I think it's daunting to think about setting aside a large chunk of time and we put it off, right?  Perhaps instead of being so concerned about doing it "just right" or for an extended period of time - we should stop right where we are and say those prayers.  There is a time and place for extended time on our knees but hear me when I tell you that an earnest prayer in your car reaches God too.  Don't eliminate those wonderful times of extended prayer but if you are struggling with this issue - start right where you are and begin a habit of consistent prayers throughout your day.  What a difference it will make and I'm absolutely sure this will help you with other prayer time!

Small consistent steps will yield results over time - in every area of our lives.  There may be several areas in your life that you desire change, I know there are in mine.  So make small manageable and bite-sized changes and make them consistent.  When those things become a habit, add something else.  I've been working consistently (big smiley face here) at this for the past few weeks and it feels good.  I have a better routine and I feel accomplished (which by the way makes you want to do just a little more).  Have I soared to great successes in any area yet?  Nope, but ask me again in a few months and I'm sure I'll be able to give you some solid examples of bigger changes.  Take the challenge - you will miss 100% of what you don't try for!!

Saturday, January 4, 2014

The Blank Spaces

"There are times when you cannot understand why you cannot do what you want to do.  When God brings the blank space, see that you do not fill it in, but wait.  The blank space may come in order to teach you what sanctification means, or it may come after sanctification to teach you what service means.  Never run before God's guidance.  If there is the slightest doubt, then HE is not guiding.  Whenever there is doubt - don't"  ~ Oswald Chambers, My Utmost for His Highest

There are so many messages in this small paragraph but one jumped out and grabbed me by the collar and shook me up today.  When God brings the blank spaces - see that you do not fill them in, but.....wait!!!  So incredibly hard to do.  It's January, 2014.  The beginning of a New Year and everywhere I look - I've seen messages over and over that shout, encourage and cheer us on to set our goals and go for it!!  New beginnings, New year - what are you going to do with it??  "You can do it all and have it all".  I'm totally supportive of having and setting goals, being committed to our dreams and giving our lives everything we have.  Playing full out!!  We only get one chance at this, right?

I wonder if God is giving anyone else a blank space?  Is there something that you are unsure about?  Have you even taken the time to slow down to give the opportunity for a blank space to enter in to an otherwise cluttered and frantic life?  Sometimes, it's crystal clear - as if we hear the audible voice of the Lord giving us direction.  I love those times, don't you??  I feel so full of peace and contentment, even if the direction is not one I particularly like.  It's as if I want to shout with joy.  And, I want to feel that way always and right now.  I don't want to wait and I certainly don't want to be unsure.

I've had opportunity to share with several people this year that have shared that there are areas in their life that they are unsure of God's direction at this particular time or there is something they desperately want but is not happening.  I'm in similar place.  And I don't like it!!  But what I believe God is showing me (and I wanted to share) is that there is purpose in the blank spaces.  There is as much energy (or more) that needs to go into living full out in the blank spaces as when we are in some type of  activity.  When was the last time you thought about putting 100% into stopping to be quiet, study or listen to the Lord? about today is the first day to really think like that!!

For those of you that know me, this is not a surprise - I feel like I have to be doing something all the time.  If I'm not working at something I feel like I'm wasting time, energy and this life that God has given me.  I fill in every space, every moment and I plan out just about every day (all day).  I haven't allowed any blank spaces because I've always believed that they would be wasted time.  But those blanks have value and purpose to help us be more effective in other areas.  They allow us to reflect, to learn and to grow.

Is there something that you want and you cannot understand why you can't do it?  Is there uncertainty? Embrace the blank space - allow it to surround you with quiet and then.....just wait.  Wait for direction and discernment - and don't rush through it.  If God has given you clear direction on something - move forward with everything you have.   Give it 110% and enjoy the ride - put your hands up, yell and scream - set your goals, chart your course and pack your bags!!!  But if you are staring at a blank space - walk into the middle of it, sit on the bench, listen to the loving whispers of the Lord and.....wait.  There is purpose and this too may be just part of your journey.

"Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.  Take my yolk upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light"  Matthew 11:28-30