Saturday, January 4, 2014

The Blank Spaces

"There are times when you cannot understand why you cannot do what you want to do.  When God brings the blank space, see that you do not fill it in, but wait.  The blank space may come in order to teach you what sanctification means, or it may come after sanctification to teach you what service means.  Never run before God's guidance.  If there is the slightest doubt, then HE is not guiding.  Whenever there is doubt - don't"  ~ Oswald Chambers, My Utmost for His Highest

There are so many messages in this small paragraph but one jumped out and grabbed me by the collar and shook me up today.  When God brings the blank spaces - see that you do not fill them in, but.....wait!!!  So incredibly hard to do.  It's January, 2014.  The beginning of a New Year and everywhere I look - I've seen messages over and over that shout, encourage and cheer us on to set our goals and go for it!!  New beginnings, New year - what are you going to do with it??  "You can do it all and have it all".  I'm totally supportive of having and setting goals, being committed to our dreams and giving our lives everything we have.  Playing full out!!  We only get one chance at this, right?

I wonder if God is giving anyone else a blank space?  Is there something that you are unsure about?  Have you even taken the time to slow down to give the opportunity for a blank space to enter in to an otherwise cluttered and frantic life?  Sometimes, it's crystal clear - as if we hear the audible voice of the Lord giving us direction.  I love those times, don't you??  I feel so full of peace and contentment, even if the direction is not one I particularly like.  It's as if I want to shout with joy.  And, I want to feel that way always and right now.  I don't want to wait and I certainly don't want to be unsure.

I've had opportunity to share with several people this year that have shared that there are areas in their life that they are unsure of God's direction at this particular time or there is something they desperately want but is not happening.  I'm in similar place.  And I don't like it!!  But what I believe God is showing me (and I wanted to share) is that there is purpose in the blank spaces.  There is as much energy (or more) that needs to go into living full out in the blank spaces as when we are in some type of  activity.  When was the last time you thought about putting 100% into stopping to be quiet, study or listen to the Lord? about today is the first day to really think like that!!

For those of you that know me, this is not a surprise - I feel like I have to be doing something all the time.  If I'm not working at something I feel like I'm wasting time, energy and this life that God has given me.  I fill in every space, every moment and I plan out just about every day (all day).  I haven't allowed any blank spaces because I've always believed that they would be wasted time.  But those blanks have value and purpose to help us be more effective in other areas.  They allow us to reflect, to learn and to grow.

Is there something that you want and you cannot understand why you can't do it?  Is there uncertainty? Embrace the blank space - allow it to surround you with quiet and then.....just wait.  Wait for direction and discernment - and don't rush through it.  If God has given you clear direction on something - move forward with everything you have.   Give it 110% and enjoy the ride - put your hands up, yell and scream - set your goals, chart your course and pack your bags!!!  But if you are staring at a blank space - walk into the middle of it, sit on the bench, listen to the loving whispers of the Lord and.....wait.  There is purpose and this too may be just part of your journey.

"Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.  Take my yolk upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light"  Matthew 11:28-30

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