Monday, December 31, 2012

My chains are gone

Yesterday in church we sang Amazing Grace, one of my favorite songs.  Not only because it is such an amazing picture of how God redeemed by life and so many others but now especially meaningful because Nicole and Stefan used this as congregational singing at their wedding instead of a soloist. It just brings tears to my eyes when I think about it.  There is a bridge in the song that says:

My chains are gone
I've been set free
my God, my Savior
has ransomed me
and like a flood
His mercy reigns
unending love
amazing grace

I'll be honest, the first time we sang it years ago I was a little "bugged" by that addition.  Amazing Grace is such a classic message....why did we need to add anything else??  Over the years, my heart has been changed and yesterday the words pierced my heart.  First was His mercy reigns, but in my mind I kept thinking "rains" as in pouring down lavishly over us with abandon, soaking into every part of our being and quenching the thirst within us that seems like such a mystery.  We know there is something we need but keep reaching for it in all the wrong ways.  We keep stretching to do life our way completely oblivious to the fact that every day while we have the option to just embrace the grace and mercy He so willingly gives.  We can't do it any other way but still we try.  When something finally brings us to our knees and we acknowlege and embrace His way and plan, that mercy comes in again like a flood washing over us, cleansing us, making us new.  Those things will keep coming in our life because His mercy reigns.  It is all around us, always and forever waiting to be recognized, embraced and carried with us daily.  And, oh how amazing it is to sit in the puddle left behind realizing the beauty that we partake in if only we open our hearts and let Him both reign and rain in our life!!!

The second thing that really touched me was "my chains are gone".  He has set me FREE, why do I live as if I still have those chains tying me down?  Can you relate?  If His mercy and grace are fully reigning in my life - people should know it, see it, feel it and hear it!!  Everything I do should be done with abandon for Christ, my Savior with no thoughts of what other people think of me personally or my actions.  If they are done for His glory and with His love.  Unending love, amazing grace....oh, that I should love others that way with grace for their faults and failures.  After all, I have my own set of faults and failures, too.  If Christ gives me that grace and mercy - how can I do any less to those around me?  When I hold hard feelings, bitterness, fear in my heart or can't let go of my past, I am allowing those chains to hold me....I am choosing to let them encircle me even though there is no padlock to keep them there.  This time of year is one of reflection and plan for change.....may I choose to fling off those chains I've kept and live with abandon for Him in everything I do.  May I choose to allow His grace and mercy to both reign in me and rain over me!!

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