Thursday, April 18, 2013

Lead the dance....

This morning I decided for quiet time to just go back and review notes from sermons that have been preached this year.  So many things that I've thought as I'm sitting taking notes were AMAZINGLY spoken directly to me and my life.  My thoughts here are quick and not studied this morning so what you are getting is straight from my heart.

What is our purpose?  I've thought about that and heard it SO many times but this morning for some reason God quickened my heart (literally - as I'm sitting here typing I'm almost shaking with "something").  We HAVE a purpose and why do we not think about what it is and live IN IT every day.  Oh, I'm broken over the days that I've gotten up with my to do this and just started marching through the day to mark it all off and race exhausted to the end only to realize that I've really wandered through the day without holding high my PURPOSE.  Or even worse, not evening knowing what my purpose was.....

I want to give credit but didn't write down which Pastor gave this message but the words were: purpose, promises, power, provisions, and presence.  I think it was Doug Sager who gave this message....I sat writing with quickness because it all touched me.  As I went back through those notes it became clear in a real way that each day before I even get out of bed, I need to be reminded of my purpose.  I need to choose to live my day IN that purpose and FOR that purpose.  Here's the problem, my friends - if we don't CHOOSE to live on purpose, we WON'T!!!  Here's a stopping point - it we don't CHOOSE to live on purpose, we WON'T.  It will not just happen by accident.  What is your purpose??

Mine if first and foremost to honor and glorify the Lord in everything that I do - sounds great, right??  But here's the thing....I can't leave it at that, there needs to be specifics.  What does that look like, how do I do that.  What are the specific steps I must take because again - if we don't have a plan we will just wander through our lives.  So today starts a journey or actually continues a journey of seeking HIM and HIS purpose for my life.  It's not about me and what I want - it's about HIM.  He is speaking and working and redefining that purpose, making it clear and I'm bursting with excitement at what is just around the next bend in the road.  I want to lead the dance - not be a wallflower waiting for someone to ask me to join them.  God has given us His power to live the purpose that HE has created for us long before we were even here.  YOU are God's masterpiece and the time is now to start living intentionally in His purpose for your beautiful amazing life!!!

Please excuse that jumbled thoughts - this was something God laid on my heart with great pressure and I had to just get it out.....Love to all who read this - YOU were created to live a live with great PURPOSE.  More to come soon!!

Ephesians 2:10 "For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them"

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