Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The "now"

I have been impressed in the past few days to recognize victories and power today (now)!!  This is going to be a short little blog until I have time to formulate my thoughts and add more details but three times God has shown me in the last three days that the victory is not in the future but today, His power is available today and in that we live in freedom.

I heard "there is victory" and my first thought was yes, God has the victory - like in the future.  There will be a time when we will see that victory.  But I realized almost immediately that I was thinking in the wrong time zone....HE has the victory in my life TODAY!!  Whew....that is BIG, bigger than I can really wrap my head around.  We say it but do we GET it????

Then I was singing a song and it said "there is freedom" and like a lightening bolt in my spirit I wanted to shout "THIS is FREEDOM".  As in freedom TODAY!!  When we are in HIS presence, in total surrender and worship....there IS freedom for us and THIS PLACE of total surrender is total FREEDOM in HIM.  There is nothing better!!

The third time was when I was talking to someone about the power of the Lord and desperately wanted them to know that power is available TODAY - not at some point in the future or for other people.  It is available to all who surrender their life and will to the Lord Jesus Christ and it's available NOW.  Why do we think that God has the power to save us from an eternal stay in hell, but yet HE cannot use that same power to save a marriage, change our thinking or feeling or impact our "now"?????

My heart, soul and mind are just churning with thoughts to share but I need some time to sort them all out yet still,  I felt compelled to start the process by sharing bit by bit what my experiences have been and what God is showing me and teaching me through this wonderful journey we call life.  MY life is HIS - ALL I do, ALL I am and ALL I ever will be.  THIS is freedom!!!

Scrambled thought, typo's and all.  Here it is for now....more to come.  I can't wait!!

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