Sunday, July 6, 2014

the past, forgiveness and a roller bag

"we all wish that we could change our past"

I heard this line of a song recently and it got me to thinking…..I had my own thoughts but of course headed to the Bible for the real truth.  I'm always thrilled to see what God has to say about what I think.  Sometimes I'm spot on and others I get a little "talking to".

My first thoughts on this subject were that perhaps we should not want to change our past but embrace the learning experiences that we've had.  Some very painful and difficult and others just circumstances we'd like to forget.  Maybe because we did something or said something we wish desperately that we could take back.  I've always been a fairly analytical person who looks at each life experience through what I hope are the glasses of personal responsibility and learning.  There are very few things that I do not eventually break down and put back together to see what I might have done differently and what I can learn or change going forward.  Often times, it takes a bit of work to get there but in the end I want to come to a conclusion and move forward in a way that glorifies the Lord and is beneficial for me and those around me.  Because of that, I personally don't carry around a big weight of the "past".

I do recognize, however that I have been given a gift from the Lord to maybe not take things quite as personally as others.  So, while my initial thoughts on this one line in a song swirled around in my own head based on my own personal tendencies, The Lord quickly brought me to a place of empathy for those who still carry those experiences and feelings in a very heavy bag often weighing them down and exhausting their emotions and energy.  It makes me think of a trip taken with a friend.  We were flying and I do NOT like to carry anything heavy through the airport.  I prefer a small rolling bag that I can simply pull behind me.  It takes less energy, which for me makes the journey more enjoyable.  I get tired and grumpy if I'm lugging some big heavy thing that pulls on my shoulder….it's harder to have a lift in my step or smile at those around me.  She on the other hand, had a bag full and heavy that had to be carried on her shoulder.  Here is the beautiful thing that happened and a great word picture for being a friend and helping someone with their burden.  We stopped and I had her put that heavy bag on top of my rolling case.  Guess what happened??  It was only slightly harder to pull that rolling suitcase and we shared the job as we traveled to our gate.  Lesson here?  If your load is lighter and you have the capacity - take the weight of someone else's burden and walk beside them.  If they are carrying that big heavy weight from their past - offer to help walk them through it as someone who doesn't have the emotional connection.  Help them to break apart the emotions and see what can be learned so that moving forward that experience can be something that will strengthen them.  The other thing this can do is to bring that experience in to the light so that it can be seen clearly for what it is.  Sometimes, I will admit there is a tragedy I cannot begin in any way to understand but many times these heavy burdens can be viewed in a  different light (the Light of the Word) and turned into something that can be helpful and even positive in a persons life.

It is amazingly hard sometimes to work through this stuff and that is honestly another post all together but let me say this - we have to be willing to be vulnerable and tell others what we need and how we feel.  There is nothing that can be accomplished by pretending everything is OK while walking though life with that overstuffed bag on your shoulders.  This process is often painful and scary but so worth it in the end.

Jesus is so gentle to the hurting and so forgiving of our sins (even the ones we don't think we have).  Luke 7: 36-50 tells us about woman of the city, who was a sinner came to Jesus with an alabaster flask of ointment.  she wet his feet with her tears, washed them with her hair and put the ointment on his feet.  Those around him were outraged - surely if he were truly a prophet, he would know what kind of woman this was???  He proceeded to tell a parable of a moneylender and two debtors…..moral of the story?  The greater the sin or the weight of your bag - the more overwhelmed you will be by the freedom we have in Christ.  Verse 47 and 48 say "Therefore I tell you, her sins, which are many, are forgiven - for she loved much.  Be he who is forgiven little, loves little.  And he said to her "Yours sins are forgiven.  Finally v 50 "and he said to the woman, "Your faith has saved you; go in peace."

Your faith has saved you, now go in peace - words not just for this woman in the Bible but for us.  It is time to recognize that the Lord has forgiven your sins, my sins, our sins by sending Jesus to that cross.  We have no business carrying around the heavy bags that HE came to take.  Can you imagine Jesus standing in front of you with his hands outstretched to take that bag and you holding on to it?  What a slap in the face, right?  I cannot imagine anyone would just say "no, I'm more qualified to hang on to this bag of junk….I appreciate your offer but I've got this".   No way, not gonna happen!!!  But here is the crazy thing - we do it all the time.

If you are a born again follower of Christ - these truths are yours to stand on today as you begin the process of letting go, hopefully by analyzing and unpacking those bags in the Light of His Word.  Trust me on this - don't do it any other way.  Everything has to be viewed through the lens of scripture and personal responsibility.  I believe Scripture will always point us to our responsibility (we can't change others) by showing us our lives in relation to The Cross.  It would be easy to say - just put the bag at the foot of the cross, but here's the deal.  You will go back and get it if you don't unpack it and deal with it.

If you are unsure of your relationship with Christ or know you don't have one - don't you want to live in this freedom?  Don't you long for that one thing that will fill the void you feel in your heart?  Aren't you tired of searching for answers in the world and the "freedom" we are told it offers?   It doesn't - this worlds freedom will do nothing but add to the chains that already enslave you.  I've never done this in a blog post but if by some chance you are reading this and want to know more about that freedom - I invite you to let me know.  I would love to share more.

Take the time to view your past for what it is - a tapestry of experiences that has made you the person you are today.  Don't compare your journey to anyone else.  Rest in the freedom that Jesus Christ offers.  Rejoice in the unique person that God created you to be and go in peace!!

Psalm 32:1  Blessed is the one who's transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered.

Colossians 2:13 And you, who were dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of our flesh, God made alive together with hi, having forgiven us all our trespasses

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