I Thesselonians 5:18
give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
You know, I absolutely knew that this would be the first verse that came up when I put a search in for thanks/thankful. It was already in my head. Isn't it hard sometimes to be thankful in ALL circumstances....really, God? How can I be thankful in "this" you can fill in the blank. Sometimes I just honestly don't want to be thankful; I want to have a pity party, quit and feel sorry for myself because things aren't going the way I want or someone isn't acting the way I want or something is happening in my life that I don't want. Notice something about each of those statements? They all include one ugly letter "I". When I am dissatisfied or not thankful many times it is because I'm focusing on "I" and not "HIM".
Psalm 136:1 "give thanks to the Lord for He is good, for His steadfast love endures forever"
So even in the midst of our emotional ups and downs, His steadfast love endures forever....I love that word steadfast when we think of God. What a blessing to know that when we struggle with our emotions and feelings lead us to a place we don't really want to be - HE is the rock beneath us, our foundation to steady us and guide us back to Him; to His path, to His Word and His Way!! You see these words over and over is scripture - HIS steadfast love endures forever. His Truths are rock solid, immovable, unyielding to the world around us, so take a minute - have a cry, take a few deep breaths but always, always always come back to His word for guidance. I'm not a bible scholar but I just don't think there is a place in His Word that says we feel sorry for ourselves, hide from the world, talk about "it" or think about "it" (whatever "it" is) over and over. What works for me is seeking His Word first and allowing those truths to penetrate through my selfishness to allow me then seek His face in prayer and thanksgiving for ALL He has done. Seeking His Word first, I believe allows us to pray in truth and not in our will or our desires clouded by our perceptions of what is going on in the world around us. HE must be the steadfast anchor in our lives and that happens through allowing the Word to speak clearly to us!!
Philippians 4:6 "do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God."
Praying with thanksgiving allows us to be open to whatever God has for us. As we pray about everything with thankfulness - the outcome is less important than the prayers themselves. Being thankful for the smallest and the biggest things helps us to let go of the control we want to have over so much of our lives. What freedom there is in knowing we can be thankful about everything He has done and everything He will do.....sort of takes the load of our shoulders, right? If you are engaged in a difficult relationship - can you be thankful for the opportunity to be the hands and feet of Jesus to that person. If something didn't go the way you wanted - can you be thankful that you may have been protected or shielded from something God knew could happen? If you just got a horrible diagnosis or lost someone you love - can you be thankful for the time together, thankful for the memories, thankful that you have God to lean on and thankful for the testimony you have to share with someone else who will desperately need you? I'm not saying it's easy and I don't want to sound like a pollyanna - it's gut wrenching sometimes, heart breaking to walk that uneven road filled with potholes and mountains to climb. His word says not to be anxious about anything and in everything by prayer, supplication and with thanksgiving - that doesn't leave anything out, does it?? Not a thing......so go, walk in His peace. Not silly happy everything is wonderful peace but the peace of knowing He is steadfast and we can be thankful in Him for EVERYTHING!!
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