Friday, August 15, 2014


Before you read this blog post - click on the link and listen to the song that inspired it!!

Christ is enough for me......

Christ is enough for me

Do you go through life thinking about the next big "thing".  That "thing" could really be a thing, a physical possession (house, car, newest gadget, vacation etc) or it could be your next accomplishment or goal or getting a relationship just right (spouse, kids etc).  How much of your  attention, focus and desire is on what you will get next?  I'm guilty of this many times but I'm beginning to realize that my human desires, my flesh will never be satisfied (hear me when I say - NEVER be satisfied and if we aren't fully satisfied we will still be thirsty)  There can never be enough accomplishments for me to feel like I've "made it" and none of those accomplishments will ever fill the hole in my soul that only Jesus Christ can fill.  Don't get me wrong - I'm not suggesting that we just lay down, curl up and wait for the end.  If you know me at all - you know that I believe God has made us to be wonderfully unique creations with BIG dreams and desires - but they MUST be of Him and for Him.  If I'm just working and working spinning my wheels in urgent running to accomplish something that I desire - it really is truly all for nothing.  But..... if ALL I want is ALL He wants, then I can strive and work in peace being already filled because Christ is enough.  Not the "thing" - I don't need that to be content and satisfied, I just need to be following Christ and letting Him handle all the big stuff.

I think it's interesting that when I pulled up this video there was nothing to see....I thought for a moment about finding another one that had words or pretty pictures but then I realized God gave me that blank screen to show me (again) that I don't need all that other stuff....I just need to allow the words to penetrate my heart and rest in Christ being totally and always sufficient and enough!!!

What if everything I thought was important in my life was gone....the "stuff" or more importantly and more traumatic the people I love.  I know I've written about this before but what if God had a valley for me to walk through where I lost someone before we were ready to say goodbye?  What if that were my spouse or child?  We don't want to think about that, but sometimes I do.  It's painful and frightening but if Christ really truly is enough I have to be willing to say even if I lost what was most precious to me - Christ would be enough.  Even if He was truly ALL I had in this life (and really He IS all we need).  Are you there or is there something or someone that you hold so closely that they are above your love for Christ and His sufficiency for you?

I'm adding another paragraph as I'm praying this morning for a dear woman who is struggling with health issues beyond what most of us can imagine and thinking of another dear friend who lost her battle with cancer.  What if what we "lost" was our health….what if we had to walk that very hard road of fighting a disease, praying for healing and waiting for a miracle?  What if that miracle in our life was to go home to be with the father as it was for my friend?  Would we, in the face of that, knowing we were leaving our children behind be willing to say, even then that Christ is enough?

2 Corinthian 12:9 But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.

I have decided to follow Jesus, no turning back

As you will probably find if you follow my blog - many of the posts come from a song.  I love to sing and God speaks to my heart through the words every time.  Worship through music is one of my very favorite places to just "be".....its in those times that I feel God speaking life into my heart and recreating or regenerating me as a follower of Christ.  I'm reminded so many times of why I'm here and what my purpose is.  Studying scripture is the only place I feel more connected with my source and center.   This phrase was interesting to me because I decided to follow Christ so many years ago but realized that this is really a recurring commitment.  There is no turing back but that decision often has to be made on a daily basis - not to let the cares and demands of the world we live in pull us away from our commitment and desire to follow Jesus.  So as I stood singing this Sunday - God allowed me to just stand before Him in all my selfishness and sinfulness and tell Him again that there is no turning back and no turning away.  My passion was renewed again to follow Him and bring glory to His name in all I say and do.

I wish I could say that's it and never have to revisit this commitment again because I'm going to do all the right things and live as He wants me to every moment of every day but I know better.   but I'm thankful that God is so merciful and loving that He welcomes that heartfelt and humble recommitment each and every time I've allowed the "stuff" of the world to creep in slowly and eat away at my resolve to be the devoted follower I want to be.

1 Peter 2:21 "For to this you have been called, because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example, so that you might follow in his steps."

The Cross before me, the world behind me

If I'm totally transparent with both God, myself and you - I realize that there are times in my life when I want to just pretend that my eyes have not been opened to the opportunities available to follow and live in Christ through action and with purpose.  But here is what I know….no matter how "hard" I think it is to put one foot in front of the other and keep moving forward on this journey I know it is ALWAYS worth it.  On the other side or just over the hill He has asked me to climb is a beautiful view that I'm always overwhelmed and thankful for.  We never get to see that view if we are not willing to do the work of climbing up the steep incline by just putting one foot in front of the other.  My challenge to you is to keep walking and focus on what is ahead of you.  Don't worry about what is around the bend or over the hill.  Just trust that it WILL be worth it IF you are walking the path God has for you.  Don't kid yourself into believing that if you are not on HIS road that you will see the same "view"……if you are walking in your own strength and on your own path, the view and reward will leave you empty and wanting for more.

If I am moving toward the Cross and focusing on Jesus, the world and all its cares, hurts, struggles and pain can be behind me.  I've seen the quote so many times "don't look behind you - you are not going that way".  Why do we have such a hard time looking forward to what is ahead instead of reliving the things of our past.  I know I wrote a blog about this recently but I want to put a second challenge out in this blog.  Think about the things that will serve you well.  God creates us with this amazing brain that can move you closer toward the Cross or farther away depending on what we allow in our thoughts.  If you play the same tape over and over - you will get the same outcome.  If there is something in your life that you need to "move on" from - don't keep thinking about it!!!  Train your brain the think of something positive - focus on Jesus and not you and your circumstances, serve and love others and you will find yourself in a totally different place emotionally.

Philippians 4:8 "Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things."

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